Feedback Thoughts

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The first  article I read was "Seven Ways To Crush Self-doubt" this article was brilliant from the start to the end, I learned a lot about self doubt and I also  the solution for self doubt. It is not to avoid it but to face it. This article highlighted some issue I face sometime like being afraid to present my work and hiding a piece of work just because I felt like it wasn't perfect. when he talked about the people he met that continued to mess with their work  because they thought their work wasn't perfect and the false belief they had which was the world doesn't need to see creative work unless its absolutely perfect.  He reminded me how much I needed to avoid trying to be perfectionist.
Something else he talked about was the topic we covered last week "Growth mindset" by Carol Dweck and how developing growth mind can be beneficial in many ways like seeing mistakes as a chance to learn, seeing feedback as a chance to improve and going for difficult tasks to challenge yourself up to your limits. 
He also talked about something I need to add in my learning process which is treating my work like an experiment and trusting myself. treating your work like and experiment 
definitely  does help prevent self-doubt in many ways like you won't be worrying about failure and stuff which is very important in the learning process. He talked about how how trusting yourself leads to building self confidence and I totally agree because I think a person can much more sufficient when when they have a complete trust in themselves and their capabilities.

The second article I read was "Why it's so hard to heard negative feedback" negative feedback does not really effect me if it's about something concerning work or education because I know there's always a chance to make it right. I mean I had be lying if I said i don't feel sad or little stressed about it but negative feedback does not ruin my entire week or entire day. It's interesting to know about the physiological response we have, how We tense up, our breathing gets shallower and our ego becomes so threatened it begins to limit the information that is let into our brains. We regulate to avoid taking in harsh critiques.

In this second article I learned to frame feedback and it ultimately lead to self improvement and also to acknowledge it can be hard to heard.  


Why it's so hard to heard negative feedback 
