Unity Tutorial 02

Image describe how my effort was worth the cost
Image Source: HERE 

Doing this second tutorial was very challenging, I anticipated it to be real easy in the first tutorial but that was not the case when I started doing the second tutorial. Problems started when I was doing the first tutorial because I didn't save my work properly and that had a massive impact on me when I started doing the second tutorial. 

I completed the first tutorial and saved all three parts in one scene file instead of saving each part separately because I didn't know how to save files separately so when I started doing Tutorial 02 I decided to fix that problem but ended up  creating a completely separate folder for each scene instead of just saving them as separate scene files which are all in one folder. 

After I overcame that first problem then I ran into multiple other problems. 

The Image above is the is the game view control bar, I struggled to understand why the game was on full screen when I wanted to make some chances in the game scene then figured out I had the "maximize on play" option checked and had to unchecked to solve the problem.

What I learned and how I think it went 
I learned a lot about Unity Layout as I have spent a lot of time on it, I learned about the Project Window, Scene View, Inspector, Hierarchy and play mode. 
Project Window:  is where we store all the files and assets
Scene view: is where we see the game world
Inspector: is the transform component carries all the data
Play mode: is where we view our game 


Move Tool: is used to move around the objects in the game
Hand Tool: is used to move around the scene 
Rotate Tool: is used to rotate objects in the game
Scale Tool: is used to expand objects in the game in size
Rect Tool: Used to move, resize and rotate objects 
Move, Rotate or Scale

  • I learned to how set up the project and Import assets and files 
  • I learned how to place objects in the game scene
  • I learned how to change Unity layout
  • I learned how to move around the scene
  • I learned how to take control of the vehicle
  • I learned how to create empty folders to organised things around 
  • I earned about a method called Translate vs Rotate which is used to rotate the vehicle against a certain access 
  •  I learned how to turn the vehicle to go in reverse
  • I learned about unity Input method 
Those being what I can remember now, it's fair to say I learned a lot when everything in my project even last week's work got destroyed due to the fact that I did not name  my scripts correctly and not saving my work separately in the first place created problems along the way . all of that cost me a lot of frustration and time consuming. 
I feel like I am a lot more conformable using Unity and If  ever came across those difficult issues I will overcome them easily and I am looking forward to learn and create my own game. 
