Unity Tutorial 04

 Hey Again

Today I finished Unity Tutorial 04 I am not sure if I can say it was a fun experience but it definitely was a very beneficial experience. I started really well  until I faced my first challenge when I basically assumed something that was working perfectly well, was not functioning at all. Then ended up creating a huge problem for myself which was having to restart the whole thing including  last weeks work.

I learned how to create my own custom function which basically allows you to do specific things that you might want to to add to your game. I learned how to spawn the animals in the game at different times  using the InvokeReaping() function to call  that function then spawn all animals at different times, I also learned about colliders which are used to collide objects in the game, for example in the Tutorial we used a box collider to collide the animals and the pizza. 

The challenge was  hard but the hints pointed out exactly where the problem was, making it easier and to only think about fixing the problem rather than looking for the problem but the challenge wasn't a challenge for no reason, It required a lot of thinking thinking and looking but in the end it was manageable.

Overall I don't think I can say I am comfortable using unity and I am preparing for the worst. 

Unity really making me want to simplify my game  👀👀   

My reaction the minute I completed 

Gif Source:  Ronldo Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
