Extra Credit Tasks
For this blog I am writing about one of the challenges I done In the Growth Mindset/Feeedback task. For this week I done the Learn By hart challenge , I read this article 10 proven ways teachers can improve their sleep , The article may be for teachers but the issue is definitely a general problem which is why I decided to read this article this week.
I struggle with my sleep routine and I can tell it really effects my daily life style, It's a bad habit that I need to break and the article I read mentioned some proven ways to help me get rid of this problem. The one that I found most useful for me personally is the 90 Minute Rule. The article mentioned how we sleep in a 90 minute cycles which is followed by light sleep, deep sleep and rapid eye movement. The cycle starts with being awake then deep sleep and rapid eye movement which is basically close to being wake. if you track back 90 minute slots from when you want to wake up and get to sleep by that time you will be able to adapt a good sleep routine. So I feel like using this rule that I have never heard of before could help me break this bad habit I have.
I am looking forward to using this useful rule, I want try this in my process of changing this bad habit.
There were many things I knew that could improve your sleep routine mentioned in the article like putting away your phone/laptop/iPad and avoiding caffeine before bedtime.
Overall I enjoyed reading this article and I was happy to find something useful to help me improve my sleep routine.
Me at 2am every night 😏
Image Source: Here
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