Game Design Document

doing this Game Design Document was not easy, I had to think about my game deeply and also not knowing the exact assets I will be using to create my game did not help because I was afraid of putting things that I wont be able to do in my game, in the document. 
I did some drawings to show how I want my game to look like visually but also did not do a lot because I thought if i did a lot of drawings I would leave my self looking for specific assets and have limited assets and resources for the game.   
I learned most of the things I want to achieve in my game in the tutorials we have done so far but there some stuff in my game that we are yet cover but I am hoping we will. 
My game is quite simple enough to create because I tried to keep it easy for myself . 
I don't think there's more Ideas I want to add into my game at this point and I will be working with what I got to create the game. 
Apologies if the document is too small to read but it was the only way I was able to upload it because I found Dundoc difficult to get my head around it, so I looked for other solutions and that was the best I got. 



  1. Hi Abdi, I really like the game design for this video game there are many third-person runner games out there but it is also nice to see many different types of them especially yours! Might I even suggest a little feature of objectives to the game! This would help the game play even better as it gives the player a set of tasks to complete to challenge them during each level. The harder the challenge, the more the player becomes invested in the game into completing them. Overall I cannot wait to see the final outcome of this runner video game!

  2. Hi Abdi, this is a really good gdd with a lot of great information about your game. I really like that you are adding a health bar but how will it work? How will the player lose health and when they do lose some how much will they lose? I would recommend that the player hasn’t got too much health as it makes the game more challenging that way. This looks as if it could be a really good game and I would be interested to see it when completed. All the best with this game and the rest of the semester!

  3. Hi Abdi, It's me again hahaha. I would like to say that your GDD is very informative! I really like how clear and neat your document is and the headings are all straightforward. It is also a good idea if you will be able to learn how to use the mouse to stop/continue the game so the player can either take a rest or just restart the game again. Your GDD really shows that you really know what you're going to do to your game and adding the sketches is a good thing if you're trying to visualize your game.

    I also understand about not adding too specific info such as the assets now because I also don't know if those assets would really suits my game. I also like the third person point of view to help the player see what would be the next obstacle is. Good luck making your game!

  4. I really love the idea your bringing forward for this game. I really do believe you can create something great from this. Best of luck in your project !!


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