Unity Tutorial 07/8


So I started doing the Unity Tutorials on Thursday afternoon and everything was going smoothly until Unity crashed out on me and every file I had was no longer a Unity so I couldn't access any of the files including the ones I was working on for this weeks Unity tutorial. This was something completely out my control and there was nothing I could do about it as I was not able to even access the files I was working on. 

Unity crashed out on my desktop, after trying to fix it by watching and reading things online I still could not get it to work so I tried to download Unity on to my laptop and started restarting the Unity tutorial which I had almost finished in my first attempt but when I got on the end of the last videos before the challenge 04 my work was stuck on frozen. I tried restating my laptop but that did not solve anything and I also looked online on how to fix it but unfortunately I didn't find anything useful related my issue. 
I also missed last weeks Unity tutorial due to being on stuck on my project which  meant I did not have the option to skip as this weeks tutorial was continues from last weeks tutorial. 

Anyway from what I have done so far I learned new functionality and concepts. In lesson 4.1 learned how to move the camera around the scene using horizontal input and how to get the player to roll in the direction of camera based on the vertical Input. I learned about texture wraps which was something I done  during my attempt  failed to create a terrain for my game. I learned about how to use an empty game object to set the camera as a child using focal point. I learned about the difference between Global and Local coordinated with focal point. 
In the lesson 4.2 the game started to look a lot better after adding enemies, making them spawn and adding physics. I learned how to get enemies to spawn at different locations (was hoping to learn how to make things spawn at different times in different locations) Further in the tutorial I learned how to make the enemy follow the player and make the player and the enemy bounce off each other. 

In lesson 4.3 the game became sort of playable with the power ups added the player was able to kick out the enemy of the scene. 

In lesson 4.4 was where was my issue accrued  and I was not able to complete the tutorial. in video 5 lesson 4.4 I was increasing the number of enemies in the scene suddenly when Unity decided to froze  and I was not able to complete the task. 

I don't how to fix or what I am going to do about this major issue which is going to effect my project but I am hoping to find a way soon. 


