Unity Tutorial 10


For this weeks Unity Tutorial I done a pick up coin tutorial and a kill player on Collision Tutorial Following two easy tutorials I found on YouTube. 

The kill player on Collision was not exactly what I was looking for because when the player collides with the object players disappears from the scene but for my game I want the player to fall on the ground when collided with the game object in my case the obstacle.

The second Tutorial I done was a pick coin tutorial, I thought this tutorial was easy and effective but for my game I need coins that spawn in front of the player in different directions. I am currently looking for a tutorial that help me with this but the one I done for this week taught me the very basics of this method and which is getting the player to collide with the coins on trigger and make the coins to disappear from the scene. 

I found these two tutorials very and learned something I now believe I can do it on my own. 

I also also tried to create endless tiles which is something I am currently struggles with even with the help of a tutorial I found . 

Over all of course this was probably the easiest tutorials I have done but its something I learned and can Implement to my game. 


The Tutorials:

Kill Player On Collision 

Object Pick Up with OnTrigger
