Tutorial 03


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Today I completed another tutorial (Tutorial 03), This tutorial was time consuming because I spent way longer than I expected but I completed it successfully. 

This tutorial was mostly coding, after the last tutorial (game world decorating) this tutorial was focused on the game-play especially Triggers to allow the character to collect objects in the game (in my case the strawberries) and also for when the player is in a danger zone zone. 

I think this tutorial was essential because it teaches a lot about how characters can interact with objects in the game and make things happen.   

I had many struggles with this tutorial mostly because I failed to follow the instructions as instructed but other than that It was alright. 

I think I am very confident in using what I have learned during the last few tutorials for my own game. I don't want to complain about the way the tutorial are delivered every week but I think it's fair to mentioned it's much harder to follow a written tutorial but I also think It gives the person to understand things on their own instead of someone else reading out. 

Overall this was another helpful tutorial and I really enjoyed doing it yet again. 

See you next time

